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Legacy Content

Source Age of Ashes Player's Guide pg. 5
You’ve never been to Breachill, nor do you have roots in the town, but as chance has it you find yourself visiting. You might be here traveling with a friend, visiting an old acquaintance, or merely here to see a new part of the world. Before coming to town, though, you spent many years living with an ancestry other than your own, and your diverse childhood has left you with an open mind and a curious nature.

You’re excited to meet new people and cultures, and answering the Call for Heroes seems to be an interesting way to do so.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Constitution or Intelligence, and one is a free attribute boost.

You're trained in the Diplomacy skill, and a Lore skill thematically associated with the members of the ancestry you grew up with: Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin, or Halfling. You gain the Hobnobber skill feat.