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PFS LimitedPeace in Dreams TeaItem 6

This Item may contain spoilers from the Season of Ghosts Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Abjuration Consumable Magical Potion Tea 
Source Pathfinder #197: Let the Leaves Fall pg. 77
Price 50 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact or 10 minutes (concentrate, Interact)
This creamy tea is made from warm soy milk steeped with whole, dried chrysanthemum flowers and honey and brewed from when the sun first touches the horizon to when it has fully set. Consuming this tea causes mild drowsiness, aids in sleep, and protects from harmful mental effects. You gain a +1 item bonus to all saving throws against mental effects for 1 hour.
Tea Ceremony The effects last for 8 hours, and as long as you're asleep, the item bonus increases to +2.