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Magus Sample Builds

Arcane Fist

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 46 2.0
Magic empowers your unarmed attacks.

Ability Scores

Make Dexterity your highest score, and get a decent Charisma.


Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Deception, Stealth

Hybrid Study

Laughing shadow

Higher-Level Feats

Arcane Fists (1st), Distracting Spellstrike (4th), Spell Swipe (8th)

Arcane Scrapper

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 44 2.0
You infuse spell energy into a massive weapon.

Ability Scores

Make Strength your highest score, and choose a good Constitution.


Arcana, Athletics, Crafting, Intimidation, Medicine

Hybrid Study

Inexorable iron

Higher-Level Feats

Force Fang (2nd), Devastating Spellstrike (4th), Attack of Opportunity (6th), Fused Staff (8th)

Spell Sniper

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 48 2.0
Your spells fly as swift and true as your arrows.

Ability Scores

Dexterity is your most important ability score.


Acrobatics, Arcana, Deception, Society, Stealth

Hybrid Study

Starlit span

Higher-Level Feats

Expansive Spellstrike (2nd), Starlit Eyes (4th), Runic Impression (8th)