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Champion Sample Builds


Source Core Rulebook pg. 114 4.0
With the name of the Savored Sting on your lips, you free those held against their will and exact revenge upon their captors.

Ability Scores

Focus on Dexterity. Charisma helps your devotion spells and Deception, and good Wisdom and Constitution improve your defenses.


Deception, Religion, Society, Stealth

Deity and Cause

Calistria, liberator

Starting Feat

Unimpeded Step

Higher-Level Feats

Divine Grace (2nd), Aura of Courage (4th), Attack of Opportunity (6th), Liberating Stride (12th)


Source Core Rulebook pg. 112 4.0
Your truth and compassion glow strong as the sun, bringing the evil into the light of your goddess, the Dawnflower.

Ability Scores

Take a high Strength for your combat abilities, and a good Charisma for your devotion spells.


Athletics, Diplomacy, Medicine, Religion

Deity and Cause

Sarenrae, redeemer

Starting Feat

Deity's Domain (truth)

Higher-Level Feats

Shining Oath (2nd), Mercy (4th), Litany Against Wrath (6th), Sense Evil (8th), Devoted Focus (10th), Lasting Doubt (12th), Ultimate Mercy (18th)