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Secrets of Magic / Magic Items / Fulus

Using Fulus

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 158 2.0
Beyond fulu talismans, non-talisman fulus can be affixed or removed easily, though removing a fulu causes it to immediately burn out. The paper is fragile, easily destroyed by hazards such as water, fire, or an observant enemy when either unattended or affixed to the ground or a structure. Fulus that are also talismans use the normal rules for Affixing and removing talismans instead of the action presented here.

Affix a Fulu [one-action]

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 158 2.0
You affix a fulu to an armor, weapon, shield, creature, or structure that's beside or in the same square as you. A creature can remove a fulu from itself or an unattended object in its reach with a single action.