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Secrets of Magic / Magic Items / Fulus

Crafting a Fulu

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 158 2.0
Fulus can be created using the Crafting skill like any other magic item, and they have a batch size of four, meaning you can Craft four copies of the same fulu at a time. A fulu's script consists of symbols citing the person or place from which the fulu draws power, a symbol of command, details of the desired effect, and other formulaic elements to complete the charm. Each part is written as the crafter recites a spell mantra, with the crafter's powers and magic essences weaving into the ink and paper. As creating a fulu requires knowledge of these mantras, a fulu can't be disassembled to learn its formula like many other items—the formula for a fulu can be learned only firsthand.

Unlike most items, the ritualistic aspect of fulus' creation allows the creator to expedite the process, though doing so decreases the fulus' stability. A character with the formula for a fulu can Craft up to four fulus for their full price in a single day of downtime, rather than taking four days as normal for the Craft downtime activity. However, if they do so, the fulus only last for a month, rather than a year. This is perfect for fulus you expect to use soon after Crafting them, as in that case, there isn't much difference between a month and a year.