General Skills
Acrobatics | Arcana | Athletics | Crafting | Deception | Diplomacy | Intimidation | Lore | Medicine | Nature | Occultism | Performance | Religion | Society | Stealth | Survival | Thievery

There is a Legacy version here.

Identify Magic (Trained)

Magical Traditions and Skills

Each magical tradition has a corresponding skill, as shown on the table below. You must have the trained proficiency rank in a skill to use it to Identify Magic or Learn a Spell. Something without a specific tradition, such as an item with the magical trait, can be identified using any of these skills.

Magical Traditions and Skills

Magical TraditionCorresponding Skill
Source Player Core pg. 230 2.0
Using the skill related to the appropriate tradition, as explained in the Magical Traditions and Skills sidebar, you can attempt to identify a magical item, location, or ongoing effect. In many cases, you can use a skill to attempt to Identify Magic of a tradition other than your own at a higher DC. The GM determines whether you can do this and what the DC is.
Item Bonsues for Common items
Identify MagicAuric Noodles+13Alchemical FoodYesChecks to Identify Magic
Identify MagicWhispering Staff+320StavesNo
Item Bonsues for Uncommon/Rare/Unique items
Identify MagicExploration Lens (Detecting)+210Held ItemsNoChecks to Identify Magic within the light
Identify MagicThe Vision+220The Deck of DestinyNo

Skill Uses

[Arcana] Identify Magic, particularly magic of the arcane tradition.
[Nature] Identify Magic, particularly magic of the primal tradition.
[Occultism] Identify Magic, particularly magic of the occult tradition.
[Religion] Identify Magic, particularly magic of the divine tradition.

Identify Magic

Concentrate Exploration Secret 
Source Player Core pg. 230 2.0
Once you discover that an item, location, or ongoing effect is magical, you can spend 10 minutes to try to identify the particulars of its magic. If your attempt is interrupted, you must start over. The GM sets the DC for your check. Cursed magic or esoteric subjects usually have higher DCs or might even be impossible to identify using this activity alone. Heightening a spell doesn't increase the DC to identify it.

Critical Success You learn all the attributes of the magic, including its name (for an effect), what it does, any means of activating it (for an item or location), and whether it is cursed.
Success For an item or location, you get a sense of what it does and learn any means of activating it. For an ongoing effect (such as a spell with a duration), you learn the effect's name and what it does. You can't try again in hopes of getting a critical success.
Failure You fail to identify the magic and can't try again for 1 day.
Critical Failure You misidentify the magic as something else of the GM's choice.