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Hyrune Loxenna, Blood Lord Of Geb

Hyrune had been a vampire for well over a century before he finally caught Geb's attention by exposing a sect of Nexian spies. Geb elevated him to the role of Blood Lord, stationed him atop one of the alcazars, and awarded him an additional holding—a hidden fortress below Mechitar called the Hanging Castle.

Hyrune's investigation of this abandoned ruin is where he first came into contact with images of the Great Old One Orgesh, and the strange visions and inspirations he felt tested his faith in Urgathoa. He's come to believe that somewhere between Urgathoa and Orgesh there exists a shadowy amalgamation of the two gods of gluttony.

Campaign Role

Hyrune is this adventure's primary antagonist, and as such he's not expected to survive. If he does manage to escape, he could flee to Kemnebi's side and face the characters again.

Once the characters learn that Hyrune has taken an interest in them, they might wish to Research him (see Research). Each of these in-depth Research checks take 4 hours of downtime to attempt.

Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 44
Unspecific Lore: DC 42
Specific Lore: DC 39

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Hyrune LoxennaCreature 14

Legacy Content

Unique CE Medium Undead Vampire 
Source Pathfinder #184: The Ghouls Hunger pg. 90
Male half-elf vampire witch
Perception +25; darkvision
Languages Aklo, Ancient Osiriani, Common, Necril, Undercommon
Skills Athletics +27, Deception +26, Intimidation +26, Occultism +27, Society +27, Stealth +25
Str +8, Dex +4, Con +5, Int +6, Wis +4, Cha +5
Children of the Deep (divine, enchantment, mental) Hyrune's presence brings forth creatures of the deep to do his bidding. These typically include bat swarms, giant spiders, and giant centipede, but can include other Darklands creatures. Hyrune can give telepathic orders to these creatures as long as they are within 100 feet, but they can't communicate back.
Items +2 greater resilient leather armor, Hungerfang (+2 greater striking returning spell-storing spear; contains paralyze at start of combat)
AC 35; Fort +25, Ref +23, Will +27
HP 220 (coffin restoration, fast healing 15, negative healing); Immunities death effects, disease, paralyze, poison, sleep; Resistances physical 15 (except magical silver); Weaknesses vampire
Divided Faith Hyrune's devotion to Urgathoa has become undermined by his obsession with Orgesh. Urgathoa's religious symbol can be brandished at Hyrune to trigger his revulsion, provided the person attempting to do so accuses Hyrune of being a heretic or of betraying his faith. Hyrune takes a –2 circumstance penalty to Will saves to overcome this revulsion.Mist Escape [free-action] Trigger The vampire is reduced to 0 HP. Effect The vampire uses Turn to Mist. It can take move actions to move toward its coffin even though it's at 0 HP. While at 0 HP in this form, the vampire is unaffected by further damage. It automatically returns to its corporeal form, unconscious, if it reaches its coffin or after 2 hours, whichever comes first.
Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet
Melee [one-action] spear +29 [+24/+19] (thrown 20 feet), Damage 3d6-2+16 piercingMelee [one-action] fangs +27 [+23/+19] (agile), Damage 3d6-2+16 piercingMelee [one-action] claw +27 [+23/+19] (agile), Damage 3d8-2+16 slashing plus GrabRanged [one-action] spear +24 [+19/+14] (thrown 20 feet), Damage 3d6-2+16 piercingOccult Prepared Spells DC 34, attack +26 (-4 dmg); 8th confusion, maze; 7th project image, reverse gravity, warp mind; 6th dispel magic, feeblemind, repulsion; 5th black tentacles, dimension door, sending; 4th fly, nightmare, suggestion; 3rd blindness, dream message, slow; 2nd mirror image, see invisibility, status; 1st command, fear, sleep; Cantrips (8th) daze, mage hand, message, shield, telekinetic projectile
Witch Hexes DC 34, attack +26, 3 Focus Points (-4 dmg); 8th blood ward, malicious shadow, phase familiar; Cantrips (8th) shroud of night
Change Shape [one-action] (concentrate, divine, polymorph, transmutation) The vampire transforms into one of its animal forms or back into its normal form. Most vampires can turn into a bat, but some can turn into a different creature, such as a rat or a wolf. Use the options in the aerial form and animal form spells as guidelines. Hyrune's giant bat shape's fangs have a +28 attack bonus and deal 3d12+16 piercing damage
  • Bat The vampire changes into a bat swarm or giant bat. It gains echolocation 40 feet, a land Speed of 20 feet and a fly Speed of 30 feet, and a fangs Strike with the same attack bonus as its highest melee attack. These fangs deal the same amount of damage as the vampire's claws, but deal piercing damage rather than slashing damage.
Create Spawn (divine, downtime, necromancy) If a creature dies after being reduced to 0 HP by Drink Blood, the vampire can turn this victim into a vampire by donating some of its own blood to the victim and burying the victim in earth for 3 nights. If the new vampire is lower level than its creator, it is under the creator's control. If a vampire controls too many spawn at once (as determined by the GM), strong-willed spawn can free themselves by succeeding at a Will saving throw against the vampire's Will DC.Dominate [two-actions] (divine, enchantment, incapacitation, mental, visual) The vampire can cast dominate at will as a divine innate spell (DC 34). Casting it requires staring into the target's eyes, giving the spell the visual trait. A creature that succeeds is temporarily immune to that vampire's Dominate for 24 hours. Fully destroying the vampire ends the domination, but merely reducing the vampire to 0 HP is insufficient to break the spell.Drink Blood [one-action] (divine, necromancy) Requirement A grabbed, paralyzed, restrained, unconscious, or willing creature is within the vampire's reach. Effect The vampire sinks its fangs into that creature to drink its blood. This requires an Athletics check against the victim's Fortitude DC if the victim is grabbed and is automatic for any of the other conditions. The victim is drained 1 and Hyrune regains 22 HP, gaining any excess HP as temporary Hit Points. Drinking Blood from a creature that's already drained doesn't restore any HP to the vampire but increases the victim's drain value by 1. A vampire can also consume blood that's been emptied into a vessel for sustenance, but it gains no HP from doing so.
A victim's drained condition decreases by 1 per week. A blood transfusion, which requires a DC 18 Medicine check and sufficient blood or a blood donor, reduces the drain by 1 after 10 minutes.
Familiar Hyrune's familiar is Taulzhalotel, a one-eyed, long-tailed hairless bat with a fly speed of 25 feet, darkvision, manual dexterity (with its tail), speech, and spell delivery.Gluttonous Gulp [two-actions] (divine, necromancy) Hyrune dislocates his jaw to open his mouth far wider than it should, growing a thicket of additional fangs as he does. He attempts a fangs Strike and deals an additional 3d6 piercing damage on a successful hit and can attempt to Drink Blood if he as an action remaining, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus on his Athletics check to do so.Turn to Mist [one-action] (concentrate, divine, transmutation) The vampire turns into a cloud of vapor, as the gaseous form spell, or back to its normal form. The vampire loses fast healing while in gaseous form. The vampire can remain in this form indefinitely.Witch Patron night (Orgesh)