Order of the ChainLegacy Content
Source Character Guide pg. 81 2.0Favored Weapon FlailMembers of the Order of the Chain are skilled at hunting down and capturing criminals, especially those who dare flee from justice.
Shackles of Law [two-actions] Lesser Benefit
Flourish Source Character Guide pg. 81 2.0You attempt to subdue a target with an attack and a follow-up grab. Make a melee Strike. If it hits and deals damage, you can attempt an
Athletics check to Grapple the creature you hit. If you’re wielding a flail, you can ignore Grapple’s requirement that you have a hand free. Both attacks count toward your multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn’t increase until after you’ve made both of them.
Sturdy Bindings Greater Benefit
Source Character Guide pg. 81 2.0Your grapples are incredibly reliable. When you roll a critical failure on a check to Grapple a target, you get a failure instead. In addition, when a creature you have grabbed rolls a failure on its check to Escape, it gets a critical failure instead, and if it rolls a critical success, it gets a success instead.