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Chapter 3: Age of Lost Omens / Beyond the Inner Sea

The Solar System

Source GM Core pg. 145 2.0
Golarion is but one of 11 worlds that orbit its sun. To the vast majority of the planet's denizens, the other worlds are little more than points of light in the sky, but these worlds aren't so distant as one might expect. The planets of Akiton and Castrovel are Golarion's closest neighbors. Travelers from both have visited and even settled on Golarion, most notably elves, who originally hail from Castrovel. Even the farthest planet, remote Aucturn, has influenced Golarion, with its alien inhabitants exerting a sinister touch on the world that recently put the entire planet in peril. The wise thus don't discount the dangers and wonders that dwell on other planets of Golarion's solar system.