There is a Legacy version

ObedienceSource Player Core 2 pg. 93Society is ordered with good reason, and people should conduct themselves as appropriate for their proper place.
Edicts enforce proper hierarchies, topple illegitimate hierarchies, lead when you’re the most suited to the task
Anathema let one who is lesser than you wield power over you or lead you
Champion's Reaction
Source Player Core 2 pg. 93Trigger An enemy in your champion’s aura damages you
You put an impertinent foe who dared harm you in their proper place. You command your enemy to kneel before you in obedience. If they dare to refuse, they must pay the price in pain and anguish. The enemy must choose one of the following options.
- Kneel The enemy drops prone as a free action.
- Refuse You deal 1d6 mental damage to the enemy.
This damage increases to 2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at 9th level, 4d6 at 12th level, 5d6 at 16th level, and 6d6 at 19th level. Regardless of which option the enemy chose, your Strikes against it deal 1 extra spirit damage until the end of your next turn. This extra damage increases to 2 at 9th level and 3 at 16th level.
Each enemy in your champion's aura other than the triggering creature must also either drop prone or take mental damage (each enemy chooses). These creatures take only minimum damage (typically 3 damage at 11th level, 4 at 12th, 5 at 16th, and 6 at 19th), and the effects they take can't be adjusted by anything that changes your Iron Command. For instance, the Iron Repercussions feat couldn't turn the damage into persistent mental damage for creatures other than the triggering creature.