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War of Immortals / Mythic Rules / Mythic Characters

Mythic Proficiency

Source War of Immortals pg. 76
Mythic characters have access to abilities that allow them to roll various checks using mythic proficiency instead of their normal proficiency. These abilities typically involve drawing on your reserves of mythic power to perform superhuman exploits that would be beyond normal mortal capabilities. Your proficiency bonus when using mythic proficiency is 10 plus your level. Mythic proficiency is the step above legendary proficiency, so a character attempting a check at mythic proficiency can complete any task that normally requires a specific proficiency, even if they wouldn't normally meet that requirement (such as disabling a hazard that normally requires expert or greater proficiency.)

Unlike trained, expert, master, and legendary proficiency, you use mythic proficiency only when an ability tells you to, and these abilities typically require you to expend a Mythic Point to gain their benefits.