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Phalanx PiercerItem 1Legacy Content
Concussive Hobgoblin Propulsive Razing Volley 30 ft. Source Treasure Vault pg. 31 1.1Price 10 gp;
Damage 1d10 P;
Bulk 2
Hands 1+;
Range 80 ft.;
Reload 1
Type Ranged;
Category Advanced;
Group BowAmmunition Bolts (Phalanx Piercer)
This massive bow is made from bone or wood reinforced with flexible metal strips and strung with reinforced cord. Designed by
hobgoblin engineers to take down shielded opponents, the phalanx piercer fires heavy, iron-shod bolts.
Concussive: These weapons smash as much as puncture. When determining a creature's resistance or immunity to damage from this weapon, use the weaker of the target's resistance or immunity to piercing or to bludgeoning. For instance, if the creature were immune to piercing and had no resistance or immunity to bludgeoning damage, it would take full damage from a concussive weapon. Resistance or immunity to all physical damage, or all damage, applies as normal.
Hobgoblin: Hobgoblins are a sturdy, clever people with a propensity for militaristic order
Propulsive: You add half your Strength modifier (if positive) to damage rolls with a propulsive ranged weapon. If you have a negative Strength modifier, you add your full Strength modifier instead.
Razing: Razing weapons are particularly good at damaging objects, structures, and vehicles. Whenever you deal damage to an object (including shields and animated objects), structure, or vehicle with a razing weapon, the object takes an amount of additional damage equal to double the number of weapon damage dice.
Volley 30 ft.: This ranged weapon is less effective at close distances. Your attacks against targets that are at a distance within the range listed take a –2 penalty.
Critical Specialization Effects
Source Core Rulebook pg. 283 4.0Certain feats, class features, weapon runes, and other effects can grant you additional benefits when you make a Strike with certain weapons and get a critical success. This is called a critical specialization effect. The exact effect depends on which weapon group your weapon belongs to, as listed below. You can always decide not to add the critical specialization effect of your weapon.
Bow: If the target of the critical hit is adjacent to a surface, it gets stuck to that surface by the missile. The target is
immobilized and must spend an Interact action to attempt a DC 10
Athletics check to pull the missile free; it can't move from its space until it succeeds. The creature doesn't become stuck if it is incorporeal, is liquid (like a
water elemental or some
oozes), or could otherwise escape without effort.