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PFS StandardVermin Repellent AgentItem 3+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Alchemical Consumable 
Source PFS Guide pg. 100
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk L
Activate [three-actions] Interact
This specialized cream serves as a repellent to stave off insects. The repellent also binds with a number of common insect venoms, dulling the potency and giving the wearer's immune system a boost to resist venoms. Once applied to your skin, the repellent grants you an item bonus to Fortitude saving throws against poisons for 4 hours. In addition, any arthropods (insects, spiders, scorpions, crabs, and similar invertebrate animals) must attempt a Will save when attempting to attack you with a melee Strike, or with a swarm attack such as the spider swarm's swarming bites. The arthropod then becomes temporarily immune for 1 minute.

Critical Success The creature can act normally.
Success The creature is frightened 1.
Failure The creature is frightened 2.
Critical Failure The creature is frightened 2 and fleeing.

PFS StandardVermin Repellent Agent (Lesser)Item 3

Source PFS Guide pg. 100
Price 8 gp
Bulk L
You gain a +1 item bonus and the save DC is 17.

PFS StandardVermin Repellent Agent (Moderate)Item 8

Source PFS Guide pg. 100
Price 75 gp
Bulk L
You gain a +2 item bonus and the save DC is 24.

PFS StandardVermin Repellent Agent (Greater)Item 12

Source PFS Guide pg. 100
Price 315 gp
Bulk L
You gain a +3 item bonus and the save DC is 29.

PFS StandardVermin Repellent Agent (Major)Item 16

Source PFS Guide pg. 100
Price 1,350 gp
Bulk L
You gain a +4 item bonus and the save DC is 35.