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PFS StandardHermit Krait

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 122
There are countless tales of young children wallowing in the shallow waters, pressing the mouth of a seemingly empty shell to their ears, hoping to hear roaring waves, only to be met with a reptilian hiss and the bite of two fangs. There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to hermit kraits, in multiple ways. On the surface, the creature seems like a mundane shell taken over by a den of snakes, but any attempt to pry it from its home will only kill it, revealing a strange, reptilian creature with a multitude of heads.
Size Small
Melee [one-action] fangs (agile, finesse), Damage 1d6 piercing
Str +2, Dex +3, Con +2, Int -4, Wis +1, Cha +0
Hit Points 6
Skill Stealth
Senses low-light vision, scent (imprecise, 30 feet)
Speed 20 feet, burrow 15 feet, swim 20 feet
Support Benefit Your hermit krait bites at your foes with venomous fangs. Until the start of your next turn, your Strikes that damage a creature in your hermit krait’s reach also deal 1d6 persistent poison damage. If your hermit krait is nimble or savage, the persistent poison damage increases to 2d6.
Advanced Maneuver Defensive Curl

Defensive Curl [one-action]

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 122
The hermit krait pulls its heads into its shell to protect itself. It gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC and a +4 circumstance bonus to any check to pretend to be a mundane shell. Any creature that hits the hermit krait with a melee unarmed attack while it’s in its Defensive Curl takes 2d6 persistent poison damage as one of the krait’s heads lashes out from within the shell. While in its shell, the hermit krait can’t move or take other actions that require using its limbs, but it can extend out of the shell as a single action, ending the effects of Defensive Curl.