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PFS Standard Pelt Of The Beast Worn Ikon

This animal hide, whether worn about the shoulders or waist, is all you need to survive even the harshest elements. When you make your daily preparations, choose cold, electricity, fire, poison, or sonic damage. The pelt attunes to that damage type.


You gain resistance equal to half your level to the damage type the pelt is attuned to. You also treat environmental cold and heat effects as one step less severe.

Transcendence — Survive the Wilds [one-action]

Aura Manipulate Transcendence 
You wrap the pelt around yourself. You can choose to change the damage type the pelt is attuned to. The pelt shines gold, drawing the offending energies into itself. Until the start of your next turn, this shine creates an aura in a 15-foot emanation. You and all allies in the emanation gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC and saving throws against effects with that trait.