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AnchoringItem 10+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Abjuration Magical 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 80
Usage etched onto a weapon; Bulk
This rune prevents enemies from escaping your grasp by fleeing to other planes. If you critically hit a target with an anchoring weapon, the weapon casts dimensional anchor on the target (DC 27, counteract modifier +17).

PFS StandardAnchoringItem 10

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 80
Price 900 gp

PFS StandardAnchoring (Greater)Item 18

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 80
Price 22,000 gp
When you critically hit a target with a weapon with the anchoring rune, the weapon casts 8th-level dimensional anchor on the target (DC 38, counteract modifier +28), except that if the target critically succeeds at its Will save, instead of having no effect, the dimensional anchor lasts for 1 round. When you hit a target with the weapon but don't critically hit, the target is affected by 4th-level dimensional anchor for 1 round without a save (this still uses a counteract modifier of +28).