Daydreamer's Curse
[two-actions] Spell 4This Spell may contain spoilers from the Abomination Vaults Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Uncommon Attack Curse Enchantment Mental Misfortune Source Pathfinder #164: Hands of the Devil pg. 73Traditions arcane,
occultCast [two-actions] somatic,
verbalRange touch;
Targets 1 creature
Saving Throw Will;
Duration varies
You impose a curse upon the target that renders it easily distracted and unable to focus its thoughts on tasks that demand insight or discernment. The target must attempt a Will save.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success For 10 minutes, the target must roll twice and use the worse result whenever attempting a
Nature, Perception, or
Survival check. If the target critically succeeds at a Perception check or skill check to perform an action with the
concentrate trait, the target gets a success instead.
Failure As success, but the effect is permanent.
Critical Failure As failure, except the target treats the outcomes of all checks with the concentrate trait as one degree of success worse than the result it rolled (a critical success becomes a success, a success becomes a failure, and a failure becomes a critical failure).