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PFS StandardFan Dancer

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 98
Fan dancers display exceptional elegance and control as they drift across the stage, specializing in spinning movements that are, at times, like a trickling brook and, at others, a swift and powerful river. While some fan dancers use their skills to gain the advantage in combat, others adeptly manipulate their fans to distract their enemies and create openings for their allies.

Some fan dancer abilities require you to be wielding one or more fans, which can be a fighting fan or a normal fan used as an improvised weapon.

Characters with Tian Xia origin have access to the fan dancer archetype.

PFS StandardFan Dancer Dedication Feat 2

Uncommon Archetype Dedication 
Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 98
Archetype Fan Dancer
Prerequisites trained in Performance
Access Tian Xia origin

You sweep across the battlefield, manifesting both the gentle spring breeze and the crisp autumn gusts. You become an expert in Performance. At 7th level you become a master in Performance, and at 15th level, you become legendary in Performance. Whenever you Feint while holding a fan, you can give your Feint the air trait. If you do, you can Stride 10 feet before or after as part of the same action.

PFS StandardPetal Step Feat 4

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 98
Archetype Fan Dancer
Prerequisites Fan Dancer Dedication

You have a mastery over your own movement and can distribute your weight to dance lightly over the ground like petals drifting on the water. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your Stealth checks to Sneak and aren’t detectable by tremorsense.

PFS StandardSolo Dancer Feat 4

Archetype Skill 
Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 98
Archetype Fan Dancer
Prerequisites Fan Dancer Dedication; expert in Performance

You often dance alone with a grace exceeding that of most other performers, carrying yourself with a poise and confidence that draws the attention of those around you. You can always roll Performance for initiative, and during the first round of combat, creatures that act after you are off-guard to you.

PFS StandardTwirl Through Feat 4

Archetype Skill 
Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 98
Archetype Fan Dancer
Prerequisites Fan Dancer Dedication

You sweep across the battlefield in a fluttering of movement honed from years of coordinating perfectly spaced movements alongside fellow dancers. When you attempt to Tumble Through an enemy’s space, you can use Performance instead of Acrobatics.

PFS StandardFluttering Misdirection Feat 6

Archetype Skill 
Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 98
Archetype Fan Dancer
Prerequisites Fan Dancer Dedication

You’ve trained in drawing the eyes of your audience to specific aspects of your performance through the careful manipulation of your fans and body. While wielding a fan, you can snap open, flutter, or otherwise manipulate the fan to briefly distract observers around you, giving you and adjacent allies a constant +1 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks to secretly Conceal an Object and to Thievery checks to Steal or Palm an Object.

PFS StandardSweeping Fan Block [reaction] Feat 6

Air Archetype 
Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 98
Archetype Fan Dancer
Prerequisites Fan Dancer Dedication
Trigger You're targeted by a ranged attack that uses ammunition.
Requirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand.

You leap up on one leg, snapping your fans open alongside your head before sweeping them across your body. When you’re the target of an attack using ammunition (such as arrows, bolts, sling bullets, and other objects of similar size) while wielding two fans, whirl your fans to disrupt the incoming attack with gusts of air, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If the triggering attack misses, you can redirect the ammunition into a nearby pocket or container where it can be retrieved and reused.

PFS StandardPushing Wind Feat 8

Air Archetype Aura 
Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 98
Archetype Fan Dancer
Prerequisites Fan Dancer Dedication
Requirements You’re wielding a fan.

As you spin and glide your fans alongside your allies, you kick up a mild wind that gently carries you all forward. So long as you’re holding a fan, you and allies who start their turn in a 30- foot aura emanating around you gain a +5-foot circumstance bonus to land Speed for 1 round; you also gain this bonus to your fly Speed if you possess one, but it can’t grant you the ability to fly if you wouldn’t otherwise be able to.

Additionally, the air impedes the movements of your foes. While holding a fan, the area in a 10-foot aura emanating around you is difficult terrain for all enemies.

PFS StandardTwirling Strike [two-actions] Feat 8

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 98
Archetype Fan Dancer
Prerequisites Fan Dancer Dedication; Twirl Through
Requirements You’re wielding a fan.

Your fans, one raised up alongside your head and the other alongside your hip, become a blur as you twirl across the battlefield. Attempt to Tumble Through an enemy’s space using Performance; on a success, you can make a melee Strike against the enemy with a fan you’re wielding at any point during the movement. On a critical success, the enemy is off-guard against this attack.

PFS StandardClose Formation Feat 10

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 98
Archetype Fan Dancer
Prerequisites Fan Dancer Dedication; master in Performance

You practiced fan dance as a member of a large group, coordinating your moves together to create living art and heightening your sense of spatial awareness. When you wield two fans, each in a different hand, you gain tremorsense as an imprecise sense with a range of 20 feet.

PFS StandardDizzying Spin Dance [three-actions] Feat 10

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 99
Archetype Fan Dancer
Prerequisites Fan Dancer Dedication; Twirling Strike
Requirements Fan Dancer Dedication, Twirl Through

You’re practiced in using your fans to spin with dizzying speed. Tumble Through an opponent’s space, and then Strike that opponent. If both the Tumble Through and Strike are successful, the opponent is off-guard to the next attack made against it before the start of your next turn, and you can attempt to Tumble Through the space of a different opponent and Strike again with the same effect. If this second Tumble Through and Strike are successful, you can repeat these actions a third time against a third opponent.

PFS StandardFluttering Distraction [reaction] Feat 10

Archetype Manipulate Misfortune 
Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 99
Archetype Fan Dancer
Prerequisites Fan Dancer Dedication
Trigger An enemy attempts a ranged or melee Strike against an ally within 30 feet.
Requirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand.

You’re trained in snapping and fluttering your fans to draw the eyes of observers around you. You manipulate your fans to create a distraction. The enemy must roll its attack twice and take the lower result.

PFS StandardSweeping Fan Redirection Feat 10

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 99
Archetype Fan Dancer
Prerequisites Fan Dancer Dedication; Sweeping Fan Block
Requirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand.

You can redirect ammunition back at the creature that fired it with sweeping gusts of wind. When Sweeping Fan Block prevents an attack from hitting you, instead of recovering the ammunition, you can make a ranged Strike against the triggering target using the normal attack bonus and damage of your fans as part of the same reaction. You also apply any special effects the ammunition might have.

PFS StandardDragon's Journey [one-action] Feat 14

Air Archetype Flourish Move 
Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 99
Archetype Fan Dancer
Prerequisites Fan Dancer Dedication
Requirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand.

Your movements are like that of a dragon weaving a serpentine path between your enemies and allies. Using your fans, you slice the air and create a path of least resistance, allowing you to move across the battlefield with an ethereal grace. You Stride, your movement doesn’t trigger enemy reactions, and any allies you pass within 5 feet of can immediately use their reaction to Stride, moving in the same direction. Allies must end their movement as close as possible to you or another ally who benefited from this ability. During Dragon’s Journey, ally movement doesn’t trigger reactions.

PFS StandardPeony's Flourish [three-actions] Feat 14

Archetype Incapacitation Visual 
Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 99
Archetype Fan Dancer
Prerequisites Fan Dancer Dedication
Requirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand.

As you spin around and create wide arching circles with your fans, you manifest a mosaic of peonies that confuses your enemies. Stride twice and then attempt a Performance check against the Will DC of each creature you passed adjacent to.

Critical Success The creature is stunned 3 and dazzled for as long as they’re stunned.
Success The creature is stunned 1 and dazzled for 1 round.
Failure The creature is dazzled for 1 round.
Critical Failure The creature is unaffected and temporarily immune to further uses of Peony’s Flourish for 24 hours.