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PFS StandardFire Jellyfish Swarm

While individually one of these fist-sized jellyfish is merely a nuisance, in great numbers, fire jellyfish can form into dangerous swarms. Bobbing in the water, they create a cloud of stinging tentacles. They were named in part for their bright coloration, but those who are stung by fire jellyfish learn the larger reason for their nameā€”the pain of their stings is comparable to being burned alive.

Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 22
Unspecific Lore: DC 20
Specific Lore: DC 17

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Fire Jellyfish SwarmCreature 5

Legacy Content

N Large Animal Aquatic Mindless Swarm 
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 152 2.0
Perception +8; low-light vision
Skills Acrobatics +13
Str -4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int -5, Wis +0, Cha -5
AC 11; Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +8
HP 135; Immunities mental, precision, swarm mind; Resistances bludgeoning 9, piercing 9, poison 10, slashing 5; Weaknesses area damage 7, splash damage 7
Speed swim 20 feet
Agile Swimmer Fire jellyfish swarms use Acrobatics to Swim.Burning Swarm [one-action] (poison) Each enemy in the swarm's space takes 3d8 poison damage (DC 22 basic Reflex save) and is exposed to fire jelly venom.Fire Jelly Venom (poison) Saving Throw DC 22 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 clumsy 1 (1 round); Stage 2 clumsy 2 (1 round); Stage 3 clumsy 3 (1 round)

All Monsters in "Jellyfish"

Fire Jellyfish Swarm6
Giant Jellyfish7


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 152 2.0
Many varieties of jellyfish drift through the worldā€™s oceans, feeding on fish and other tiny marine creatures. However, deadly species of monstrous jellyfish pose a threat to unwary swimmers and sailors alike. Note that while jellyfish are animals, they also have the mindless trait because they lack a centralized nervous system.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Jellyfish Species

A large number of types of monstrous jellyfish dwell in the worldĀfs oceans, each with their own unusual specialty in hunting. The immense vampire jellyfish is a blood-drinking monster that often attacks sailors aboard ships. Among the largest are the dreaded whaler jellyfish, colossal creatures that feed on whales or even krakens.