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Seismic AmplifierItem 15

Rare Huge Mounted 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 117 2.1
Price 13,000 gp; Ammunition resonance rods (25 gp, 5 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 15 feet long, 12 feet wide, 18 feet high
Crew 2-4; Proficiency martial
AC 29; Fort +32; Ref +18
Hardness 20; HP 140 (BT 70); Immunities object immunities
Seismic amplifiers are devastating underground, where they tap into the energy of nearby faults. Installing one requires drilling a steel shaft into the stone and loading it with crystal resonance rods. Breaking the rod releases the energy into a disk-like amplifier. Any creatures burrowed into ground within the burst treat the result of their Reflex save as one step worse.

Aim [two-actions] 200 feet, minimum distance 50 feet

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 3 times, requires a successful DC 25 Athletics check

Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 200 feet) 9d12 bludgeoning, 5-foot burst, DC 33 Reflex