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PFS StandardEnergy MutagenItem 1+

Legacy Content

Alchemical Consumable Elixir Mutagen Polymorph 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 60 1.1, The Fall of Plaguestone pg. 56
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
When created, this mutagen is attuned to your choice of one of four energy types: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. When consumed, the mutagen suffuses your body with energy that spills out of you whenever you attack. At higher levels, it can even grant you the ability to unleash the energy in controlled bursts.

Benefit You gain resistance to the attuned energy type. Whenever you score a hit with a melee weapon, add the listed amount of damage of the attuned energy type.

Drawback You gain weakness 5 to the other three energy types.

PFS StandardEnergy Mutagen (Lesser)Item 1

Source Treasure Vault pg. 60 1.1
Price 4 gp
Bulk L
You gain resistance 5, add 1 damage on a hit with a melee weapon, and the duration is 1 minute.

PFS StandardEnergy Mutagen (Moderate)Item 3

Source Treasure Vault pg. 60 1.1
Price 12 gp
Bulk L
You gain resistance 10, add 1d4 damage on a hit with a melee weapon, and the duration is 10 minutes.

PFS StandardEnergy Mutagen (Greater)Item 11

Source Treasure Vault pg. 60 1.1
Price 300 gp
Bulk L
You gain resistance 15, add 1d6 damage on a hit with a melee weapon, and the duration is 1 hour. In addition, you can end the benefits of this mutagen to unleash a 30-foot cone of energy as a 2-action activity. This deals 2d6 damage of the attuned type for every full 10 minutes of duration remaining (maximum 8d6) to each creature in the area, with a DC 25 basic Reflex save.

PFS StandardEnergy Mutagen (Major)Item 17

Source Treasure Vault pg. 60 1.1
Price 3,000 gp
Bulk L
You gain resistance 20, add 2d6 damage on a hit with a melee weapon, and the duration is 1 hour. In addition, you can end the benefits of this mutagen to unleash a 30-foot cone of energy as a 2-action activity. This deals 3d6 damage of the attuned type for every full 10 minutes of duration remaining (maximum 12d6) to each creature in the area, with a DC 32 basic Reflex save.