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War of Immortals / Mythic Rules / Mythic Characters / Mythic Points

Recovering Mythic Points

Source War of Immortals pg. 77
Mythic power is a rare and precious resource. While it accrues and recovers naturally within mythic characters over time, it can be difficult to accrue during the heat of combat. The following are ways a character might regain Mythic Points during a session.

  • Slaying a mythic opponent in combat restores 2 Mythic Points to the character whose attack, spell, or effect defeated the opponent, and 1 Mythic Point to all other mythic characters in the party.
  • Completing a mythic deed restores 3 Mythic Points to each mythic character in the party.
  • Following their Calling by taking actions particularly in line with the edicts (as determined by the GM) restores 1 Mythic Point to that character’s mythic pool.
  • A legendary accomplishment or epic sacrifice can restore 1 or more Mythic Points for a character, even if it’s not one of the more defined ways to recover Mythic Points. The GM gauges when this should occur. Mythic characters have more power over their own story than most and should be rewarded when the story is particularly compelling!