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Mythic Deeds

Source War of Immortals pg. 77
A mythic deed is a task, often in the form of a hazard or noncombat challenge, that restores an adventuring party's Mythic Points once successfully navigated. It's even possible that a party might uncover their Callings after completing their first mythic deed as non-mythic characters. A mythic deed should generally be at least a moderate challenge for a party of the characters' level or involve a combination of hard and very hard skill checks for the PCs' level if the deed is easily accomplished without using mythic resources, it isn't a mythic deed. Many mythic monsters have mythic deeds associated with them. These can serve as examples for creating your own mythic deeds as a GM and are often intended to allow players to interact with the monster at a level where fighting the creature would be unwise or unrewarding.

A mythic deed tied to a monster doesn't necessarily need to be presented at a different level than the monster it's associated with. For mythic monsters whose presence in a campaign is only intended to last a single session, it's likely that any associated mythic deeds will be no more than 2 levels higher than the monster and no more than 2 levels lower.