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Druid Sample Builds

Leaf Druid

Source Player Core pg. 134 2.0
You’re a nurturing caretaker in tune with the natural world and the magic of life. A little plant creature called a leshy accompanies you.

Ability Scores

Prioritize Wisdom. Take Dexterity and Constitution for your defenses, and Charisma to be more diplomatic or Strength if you want to deal more damage in melee.


Diplomacy, Medicine, Nature, Survival



Starting Feat

Plant Empathy

Higher-Level Feats

Call of the Wild (2nd), Forest Passage (4th), Plant Shape (10th)

Prepared Spells

1st heal, summon plant or fungus; Cantrips detect magic, know the way, stabilize, tangle vine

Storm Druid

Source Player Core pg. 132 2.0
You call upon the power of nature to let loose bolts of lightning, intense weather, and elemental spells.

Ability Scores

Prioritize Wisdom. You typically stay at range, so take a high Dexterity. You can identify creatures from the safety of the air with high Intelligence.


Acrobatics, Medicine, Nature, Survival



Higher-Level Feats

Widen Spell (1st), Storm Retribution (6th), Wind Caller (8th), Primal Focus (12th), Invoke Disaster (18th)

Prepared Spells

1st breathe fire, gust of wind; Cantrips detect magic, electric arc, frostbite, know the way, light

Untamed Druid

Source Player Core pg. 130 2.0
Taking on the shapes of dangerous creatures, you fight with feral intensity. Though you trust your instincts, you might mistrust the ways of polite society.

Ability Scores

Prioritize Wisdom and Strength so you can cast spells and enter melee combat. You’ll also want Dexterity and Constitution to improve your defenses and survivability.


Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature



Higher-Level Feats

Form Control (4th), Insect Shape (6th), Soaring Shape (8th), Plant Shape (10th), Monstrosity Shape (16th)

Prepared Spells

1st heal, runic body; Cantrips detect magic, ignition, know the way, light, tangle vine