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PFS StandardWorm VialItem 13

Legacy Content

Uncommon Alchemical Consumable Expandable 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 57 1.1
Price 600 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [two-actions] Interact
Opening this vial unleashes its destructive contents: a reconstituted Gargantuan purple worm. The worm has two functions; choose which one to use when you Activate the item.
  • Burrow The worm Burrows up to 80 feet, leaving a tunnel behind it. It can burrow through solid stone, but if it does so it burrows 40 feet instead of 80 feet.
  • Eat The worm attempts to swallow a creature, crush it in its insides, then spit the creature out. The target must be within 15 feet, and it attempts a DC 30 Reflex save. If it fails, it takes 3d6+9 bludgeoning damage (doubled on a critical failure). The worm then spits the creature out to any empty space on the ground within 30 feet, causing the creature to take damage from a 20-foot fall.

Craft Requirements Supply the corpse of a purple worm.