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PFS StandardBracers of DevotionItem 11

Legacy Content

Abjuration Divine Focused Invested 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 148 1.1
Price 1,400 gp
Usage worn bracers; Bulk L
Champions adorn these bracers with the symbol of their deity or the text of the tenets they follow. While they're clasped around your forearms, reassuring focus and devotion flow into you through them. Each time you spend a Focus Point to cast a devotion spell, your divine ally gains a benefit until the start of your next turn, depending on its type.
  • Blade Ally The bracers hold your weapon in place. You gain a +2 item bonus against attempts to Disarm you of your blade ally.
  • Shield Ally While raised, the shield grants you resistance 10 to evil damage if you follow the tenets of good, or resistance to good damage if you follow the tenets of evil.
  • Steed Ally The mount gains a +10-foot status bonus to all its Speeds.

Activate [free-action] envision; Frequency once per day; Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can use only to cast a champion devotion spell. If not used by the end of your turn, this Focus Point is lost.

Craft Requirements You are a champion.