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Plane of WoodPlane

Subjective Gravity Wood 
Source GM Core pg. 176 2.0
Category Inner Sphere Planes
Divinities elemental lords of wood
Native Inhabitants ardandes, forest dragons, kizidhars, kodama, shades (wood pneuma), wood elementals
The Plane of Wood recently returned to the planar cosmology after an absence of eons. Still rebuilding to its ancient splendor, it climbs between the Plane of Water and Plane of Air. Fractal tree growth, eternally tended and shaped by the plane’s inhabitants, stretches across the plane with dizzying symmetry. Creatures either enforce and augment this ordered growth or exist as a byproduct thereof. Some drop from the trees as discarded seeds given fresh life, while others chisel or cultivate creatures’ natural beauty to suit their aesthetic tastes. The genies of the plane, kizidhars, are artisans in this field.

The elemental lords of wood embody the often-paradoxical rigidity and pliancy of their element. When other planes of the Inner Sphere came under threat, the lords acted swiftly to seal off their home, protecting the plane and its residents—yet even in this, they’re said to have disagreed, and the two haven’t spoken in millennia. Shumunue, the Carved Lady of Mimicry, desperately searches for a cure for her great ailment, while Verilorn, Custodian of Oak and Ash, worries that ending the plane’s long isolation will lead to its ruin.