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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardGlimpse the TruthFocus 4

Uncommon Aura Cleric Focus Manipulate Revelation 
Source Player Core pg. 380 2.0
Domain truth
Cast [one-action]
Area 30-foot emanation
Duration 1 round
Divine insight lets you see things as they are, unveiled by attempts to magically cloak the truth. The GM attempts a secret counteract check against each illusion that is at least partially within the area. Instead of counteracting the illusion, you see through it (for instance, if the check succeeds against an illusory disguise spell, you see the creature's true form but illusory disguise doesn't end). Each time a new illusion comes into the aura during the duration of the spell, the GM attempts a secret counteract check for that illusion.

    Heightened (7th) You can allow everyone within range of the emanation to see through any illusions you succeed against, not just yourself.