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PFS StandardVultures WingItem 10

Legacy Content

Uncommon Catalyst Consumable Magical 
Source Impossible Lands pg. 178
Price 200 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Access Characters from Geb have access to this item.
Activate [one-action] Cast a Spell
This fan of vulture feathers scatters on an unnatural gust of wind. If this catalyst is used to cast a ray of enfeeblement spell that has been heightened to at least 5th level, instead of targeting a single creature, you cast the spell in a 30-foot-area cone. You don't make a spell attack roll, instead affecting all creatures within the area with the effect the spell would normally have on a hit. This means creatures within the area must attempt a Fortitude save to determine whether they're enfeebled.