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PFS StandardBecome Thought Feat 20

Legacy Content

Psychic Transmutation 
Source Dark Archive pg. 29

You shed some of your material form, becoming a being of pure thought. This has the following effects.
  • You gain resistance 10 to physical damage but weakness 5 to mental damage and weakness 10 to any effect that deals damage by targeting the spirit, such as spirit blast.
  • You can change your appearance on a whim. This takes a single action, which has the concentrate trait, has the effects of illusory disguise, and lasts until you change your appearance again.
  • Once per year, when you die, you automatically return to life the next day as long as one living sentient creature on your plane remembers you; the memories enable you to reconstruct yourself from their thoughts. You appear in the vicinity of the creature that remembers you most strongly.



Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the transmutation school of magic, typically changing something’s form.