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PFS LimitedPhoenix

Legacy Content

Source Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain pg. 74
You have been blessed by a phoenix, perhaps via some magical interaction with a similarly blessed individual.

Grant this new sorcerer bloodline to players who finish the Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Adventure Path. Players can then choose this bloodline for any new sorcerer characters they create for future campaigns.

Spell List


Bloodline Skills

Diplomacy, Nature

Granted Spells

cantrip: detect magic, 1st: burning hands, 2nd: see invisibility, 3rd: fireball, 4th: remove curse, 5th: breath of life, 6th: disintegrate, 7th: contingency, 8th: moment of renewal, 9th: meteor swarm

Bloodline Spells

initial: rejuvenating flames, advanced: shroud of flame, greater: cleansing flames

Blood Magic

The primal fire of life and death flows through you or one target. Choose to have either you or a target of the spell gain temporary Hit Points equal to the spell's level for 1 round, or to have a target of the spell take fire damage equal to the spell's level (if the spell already deals initial fire damage, combine this with the spell's initial damage before determining weaknesses and resistances).