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PFS StandardExtendible PincerItem 0

Legacy Content

Uncommon Clockwork 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 87 2.0
PFS Note Inventors (and characters with the Inventor archetype) gain access to uncommon clockwork items from from Chapters 1 and 2 from this book, unless the item specifically states otherwise. Characters with a Home Region of Absalom, New Thassilon, Alkenstar, Dongun Hold or Arcadia have access to uncommon clockwork items from Chapters 1 and 2 from this book, as inventors.

Price 2 gp
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk L
Access Characters from Absalom, New Thassilon, Alkenstar, Dongun Hold, or especially technological regions of Arcadia like the Deadshot Lands have access to uncommon clockwork items from the first two chapters of this book.
This extendable rod features a pincer on one end and clamped handle on the other. By squeezing the handle, the pincer opens or closes. As an Interact action, you can extend or retract the rod by 5 feet to one of three settings, allowing you to Interact to pick up an object with the pincer either within your own space, in an adjacent space, or exactly 10 feet away.