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PFS StandardGhostcaller's PlanchetteItem 12+

Legacy Content

Magical Necromancy Spellheart 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 125 1.1
PFS Note Remove the word "necromancy" from the ghostcaller's planchette.

Usage affixed to armor or a weapon; Bulk
This miniature wooden planchette is engraved with symbols designed to attract spirits. When affixed, the symbols begin to glow, and the planchette turns slightly insubstantial. The spell DC of any spell cast by activating this item is 29.
  • Armor After you cast a necromancy spell by activating the planchette, you gain resistance 5 to all physical damage (except ghost touch) until the start of your next turn. Attacks by incorporeal creatures (such as a ghost's ghostly hand) count as ghost touch.
  • Weapon After you cast a necromancy spell by activating the planchette, the affixed weapon gains the effects of the ghost touch property rune until the end of your next turn.

Activate Cast a Spell; Effect You cast chill touch.

PFS StandardGhostcaller's PlanchetteItem 12

Source Treasure Vault pg. 125 1.1
Price 1,750 gp

Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast invoke spirits.

PFS StandardGhostcaller's Planchette (Greater)Item 18

Source Treasure Vault pg. 125 1.1
Price 21,000 gp
The resistance when affixed to armor is 10. When the planchette is affixed to a weapon, casting a necromancy spell by activating the planchette grants the weapon the effects of both the ghost touch and greater disrupting property runes. The spell DC is 38.

Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast 7th-level invoke spirits.

Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast tempest of shades.