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Other Consumables

PFS StandardCaptivating RosebudItem 3

Uncommon Consumable Emotion Magical Wood 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 200 2.0
Price 10 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk
Named because of its popularity among thieves to distract any authorities in pursuit, a captivating rosebud has a near-irresistible fragrance.

Activate—Scent of Roses [one-action] (manipulate, mental, olfactory); Effect You throw the captivating rosebud in a square adjacent to you. The rosebud quickly sprouts into a little rosebush that lasts for 1 hour. Any creature that passes within 15 feet of the rose bush, other than yourself, must attempt a DC 18 Will save.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes a –1 status penalty to Perception checks for 10 minutes.
Failure As success, but a –2 penalty.
Critical Failure As success, but a –2 penalty and the creature is fascinated by the rosebush.

Activate—Rose Vines 10 minutes (manipulate); Effect You plant the captivating rosebud into a square adjacent to a building or other structure. It grows into a rosebush that stretches up to 30 feet tall. You and your allies can use the rosebush as a ladder to Climb easily up and down the side of the adjacent structure, but all other creatures must succeed at a DC 17 Will saving throw or fail to notice the rosebush's presence.