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Scroll Case of SimplicityItem 4+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Invested Magical Transmutation 
Source Character Guide pg. 111 2.0
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk
Access A character who is a member of the Pathfinder Society has access to this option.
The four different types of scroll cases of simplicity often bear adornments appropriate to their magical tradition, such as angelic wings or otherworldly lettering. On the inside, intricate runic diagrams spiral out to surround the scroll stored within. A scroll placed within the case can be converted into energy to cast consistently useful spells depending on its type. You must be able to cast spells of a given tradition to use a scroll case of simplicity of a corresponding type.

Activate [one-action] Interact; Requirements The scroll case contains a single scroll of a 1st-level spell; Effect You transfer the scroll’s energy into the scroll case, consuming the scroll, and you can immediately begin casting one of the scroll case’s spells. If you use any action other than to Cast a Spell from the scroll case after activating the scroll case of simplicity, the scroll and its energy are lost.

PFS StandardArcane Scroll Case of SimplicityItem 4

Source Character Guide pg. 111 2.0
Price 100 gp
Usage held in 1 hand
The scroll case can be used to cast alarm or unseen servant.

PFS StandardDivine Scroll Case of SimplicityItem 4

Source Character Guide pg. 111 2.0
Price 100 gp
Usage held in 1 hand
The scroll case can be used to cast heal or purify food and drink.

PFS StandardOccult Scroll Case of SimplicityItem 4

Source Character Guide pg. 111 2.0
Price 100 gp
Usage held in 1 hand
The scroll case can be used to cast illusory disguise or soothe.

PFS StandardPrimal Scroll Case of SimplicityItem 4

Source Character Guide pg. 111 2.0
Price 100 gp
Usage held in 1 hand
The scroll case can be used to cast longstrider or pass without trace.