Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide


How to Use This Book

Source GM Core pg. 5 2.0
GM Core is one of the central rule books for Pathfinder, and it provides guidance on building and running whatever fantastic stories you wish to tell. The book also gives information on the Age of Lost Omens—the setting of Pathfinder—as well as rules variants and tools you can use to customize the game. Lastly, the book contains the magical items and other treasure that you can place throughout your adventure to reward your PCs for their victories. Tips and advice for running a smooth game are included as well!

Pathfinder as a game is all about customization, and this book provides you as the Game Master ways to customize your game just as a player customizes their character. The toolbox nature of GM Core makes it easy to select whatever parts you need for the game you're running at any time, especially in the Building Games and Subsystems chapters. As with any toolbox, you won't need to use everything at once!