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Witch Sample Builds

Hedge Witch

Source Player Core pg. 188 2.0
With an eccentric personality and unconventional magic, you and your familiar support your allies and undermine your enemies.

Ability Scores

Intelligence fuels your spells. Dexterity and Constitution provide solid defenses, while Charisma can help you influence people


Crafting, Diplomacy, Occultism, Society


Basic: protection; greater: mischief; major: renewal


Spinner of threads

Higher-Level Feats

Cauldron (1st), Basic Lesson (2nd), Greater Lesson (6th), Witch’s Bottle (8th), Major Lesson (10th), Hex Focus (12th)

Ice Witch

Source Player Core pg. 190 2.0
With a heart of ice, perhaps inherited from your patron, you command the chill winds and biting cold of winter.

Ability Scores

Intelligence is crucial for your spells. Wisdom makes you perceptive and supports your knowledge of the wild. Dexterity and Constitution round out your defenses.


Crafting, Deception, Nature, Survival


Basic: elements; greater: snow; major: death


Silence in Snow

Higher-Level Feats

Cackle (1st), Basic Lesson (2nd), Greater Lesson (6th), Murksight (8th), Major Lesson (10th), Hex Focus (12th)