Bone Swarm [two-actions] Feat 17Legacy Content
Concentrate Polymorph Skeleton Transmutation Source Book of the Dead pg. 57Frequency once per day
You scatter your body and transform into a whirling storm of bones for up to 1 minute or until you spend a single action to return to your normal shape. You become Huge, gain the
swarm trait, and gain a fly Speed of 40 feet. As a swarm, you have the following characteristics.
- You are immune to the grappled, prone, and restrained conditions.
- You have weakness 5 to area and splash damage.
- You can occupy the same space as other creatures and must do so to use your damaging ability.
- As a 2-action activity, you can deal 10d6 bludgeoning damage to all creatures sharing your space (basic Reflex save with a DC equal to your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher).
- You can't speak, Cast Spells, use manipulate actions requiring your hands, Activate magic items, or make any Strikes with your normal body.
- You don't gain the swarm mind ability, so you are still affected normally by mental effects. You also retain the benefits of skeleton feats that don't require communication or the use of hands.
Concentrate: An action with this trait requires a degree of mental concentration and discipline.
Polymorph: These effects transform the target into a new form. A target can't be under the effect of more than one polymorph effect at a time. If it comes under the effect of a second polymorph effect, the second polymorph effect attempts to counteract the first. If it succeeds, it takes effect, and if it fails, the spell has no effect on that target. Any Strikes specifically granted by a polymorph effect are magical. Unless otherwise stated, polymorph spells don't allow the target to take on the appearance of a specific individual creature, but rather just a generic creature of a general type or ancestry.
If you take on a battle form with a polymorph spell, the special statistics can be adjusted only by circumstance bonuses, status bonuses, and penalties. Unless otherwise noted, the battle form prevents you from casting spells, speaking, and using most manipulate actions that require hands. (If there's doubt about whether you can use an action, the GM decides.) Your gear is absorbed into you; the constant abilities of your gear still function, but you can't activate any items. If a polymorph effect causes you to increase in size, you must have space to expand into or the effect is disrupted.
Skeleton: This undead is made by animating a dead creature's skeleton with void energy.
Transmutation: Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the transmutation school of magic, typically changing something’s form.