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Haunting VisionBackground

Legacy Content

Source Age of Ashes Player's Guide pg. 4
You’ve been haunted by frightening dreams of fires your whole life. This could be the result of a past, near-death experience with fire or it might have no obvious source that you know of. Recently, you stumbled upon an image, story, or other omen featuring the dragon god of destruction, Dahak, and you were struck with an unnerving sense of deja vu—you’ve come to think that the draconic deity might have something to do with your dreams, and as such have been studying all you can about the god. Your visions have bolstered your faith as well; even if you don’t worship a specific deity, you have a deep passion for matters of faith.

Your latest dream, for the first time, had enough details to identify its setting—in this last dream, you saw the town of Breachill burning. You’ve decided to join the Call for Heroes hoping to save the town you fear might burn to the ground soon.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Constitution or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost.

You're trained in the Religion skill, and the Dahak Lore skill. You gain the Student of the Canon skill feat.