Seven-Colored Cosmic Bridge Feat 18Exemplar Ikon Source War of Immortals pg. 42Usage imbued into a melee weapon ikon
imbued into a melee weapon ikon
Your divine spark shines in a riot of shimmering colors, capable of carrying you through the world as fast as light itself. The imbued ikon gains the following abilities.
Immanence (light, teleportation) Your weapon scatters rainbow-colored light across nearby surroundings, each a possible destination. When you successfully Strike an enemy, you can choose to teleport to an unoccupied location within 10 feet as a free action.
Transcendence—Fleeting Arc through Heaven and Earth (light, spirit, teleportation, transcendence)
[three-actions] You swing your weapon in a wide arc, releasing a blazing rainbow that deals 9d6 spirit damage and 9d6 damage of the same type as your weapon to all enemies in a 60-foot
cone, with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC. As the rainbow ripples out, you use it as a bridge to teleport to any location within the effect’s area.
Ikon: An item with the ikon trait is a special item provided or created by an exemplar's divinity that is so tied to that exemplar that it can serve as a sacred vessel for their might. You gain three ikons at first level. Each ikon has a passive immanence ability and an activated transcendence ability. A feat with the ikon trait imbues one of your ikons with further capabilities. Whenever you gain a feat with the ikon trait, choose which of your ikons gains that ability; if you have multiple ikons that meet the feat's usage requirements, you can take the feat multiple times to apply its effects to another one of your ikons. These feats list what ikon they can be imbued into, and any number of them can be imbued into a single ikon.