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Creature Families

Source Bestiary
Many creatures are part of a larger group and share some common qualities.


Source Absalom, City of Lost Omens pg. 396
Azarketis, also known as Low Azlanti or gillmen, can be found all over Golarion, with a particularly high concentration around Absalom and the Inner Sea. (click to see full entry)


Azarketi Crab Catcher (Creature 0), Azarketi Sailor (Creature 2), Azarketi Tide Tamer (Creature 7)


Source Monster Core pg. 52 1.1
Lithe and agile, with catlike features and long tails, the amurruns are wanderers, explorers, and extroverts who share a gregarious nature and an unbridled curiosity. This latter characteristic leads many individual amurruns into trouble, yet this inquisitiveness is paired with a penchant for good fortune that offsets much of their self-induced peril. (click to see full entry)


Catfolk Pouncer (Creature 1)


Source Monster Core pg. 58 1.1
Centaurs are legendary hunters and trackers who resemble heavily muscled humans with the bodies of powerful horses from the waist down. They are typically nomadic and consider themselves the stewards of the surrounding landscapes. While stories of bloody clashes between centaurs and humanoid travelers are well known, centaurs are neither intrinsically bloodthirsty nor recklessly aggressive. (click to see full entry)


Centaur Herbalist (Creature 3)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 206
Though adventurers travel through perilous dungeons and across treacherous wilderness, sometimes the most dangerous place they can end up is in a noble court.


Advisor (Creature 5), Noble (Creature 3), Palace Guard (Creature 4), Spy (Creature 6)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 208
Some criminals are the desperate who have no option but to break the law to survive, while others choose a life of crime for thrills, forming gangs or underworld guilds that specialize in certain illegal ventures.


Assassin (Creature 8), Bandit (Creature 2), Burglar (Creature 4), Charlatan (Creature 3), Fence (Creature 5), Grave Robber (Creature 1), Ruffian (Creature 2)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 212
Religions inspire devout individuals to uphold their tenets. Many of these devotees seek to bring respite and hope, but others have darker motives.


Acolyte of Nethys (Creature 1), Priest of Pharasma (Creature 6), Prophet (Creature 2), Zealot of Asmodeus (Creature 4)


Source Monster Core pg. 95 1.1
As the mortal offspring of a vampire and a living parent, dhampirs occupy an unusual place among the living. Their vampiric parentage lends them elongated incisors, an unearthly beauty and physical grace, ghostly pallor, and a piercing gaze. (click to see full entry)


Dhampir Wizard (Creature 2)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 214
Unfortunately, every society has people living on its fringes. While good communities work to grant aid and respite to their downtrodden, sometimes—due to economic downturn, famine, or war—the ranks of the less fortunate exceed the community's capacity to support them. (click to see full entry)


Beggar (Creature -1), Commoner (Creature -1), Prisoner (Creature 1), Urchin (Creature -1)


Source Monster Core pg. 135 1.1
A dwarf's strength comes from their stoic determination, quality equipment, and their ability to hold grudges for centuries.


Dwarf Stonecaster (Creature 4), Dwarf Warrior (Creature 1)


Source Monster Core pg. 151 1.1
Elves are mysterious and intelligent, and graceful and cunning in battle.


Aiuvarin Elementalist (Creature 2), Elf Ranger (Creature 1)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 216
The world is a wide, open place fraught with peril and adventure. Explorers use their knowledge of nature and survival skills to see every corner of the land.


Chronicler (Creature 3), Guide (Creature 4), Tomb Raider (Creature 5), Torchbearer (Creature 0)


Source Character Guide pg. 118 2.0
Not all factions have central bases of operation or organized hierarchies of command. The loosely affiliated freedom fighters, swashbuckling heroes, and entertainers known as the Firebrands are one such group. (click to see full entry)


Charming Scoundrel (Creature 4), Privateer Captain (Creature 11)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 218
From the managed and cultivated forests that support villages to the tree-covered crown lands where only nobles and their servants are permitted to hunt, forests provide. To communities, forests provide fuel, food, medicine, and raw materials, while royally protected forests provide food for the nobles' table and a source of entertainment in the form of organized hunts. (click to see full entry)


Hunter (Creature 7), Poacher (Creature 2), Tracker (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 172 1.1
Gnomes are known for being creative and curious. They stand at around 3 feet tall, and their vivid personalities match their naturally vivid hair and eye color. Gnomes possess a natural connection to their ancestral home, the First World. (click to see full entry)


Gnome Bard (Creature 1), Umbral Gnome Rockwarden (Creature 5), Umbral Gnome Scout (Creature 1), Umbral Gnome Warrior (Creature 2)


Source Monster Core pg. 174 1.1
These small humanoids typically have green or gray skin and large heads with wide ears. While some goblins are civilized and have worked hard to be considered upstanding members of humanoid communities, many are impetuous and vicious creatures who delight in wreaking havoc. (click to see full entry)


Goblin Commando (Creature 1), Goblin Pyro (Creature 1), Goblin War Chanter (Creature 1), Goblin Warrior (Creature -1)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 220
The world is a dangerous place. Thankfully, there are those who devote their lives to easing the pain and suffering of others.


Apothecary (Creature -1), Physician (Creature -1), Plague Doctor (Creature 5), Surgeon (Creature 2)


Source Character Guide pg. 120 2.0
Several different orders of the mercenaries known collectively as Hellknights operate in Avistan, with most of their number stationed in the nation of Cheliax. These mercenaries see the law of the land as inviolate and offer their services as enforcers to any who can pay their prices. (click to see full entry)


Hellknight Armiger (Creature 4), Hellknight Paravicar (Creature 11)

Knights of Lastwall

Source Character Guide pg. 122 2.0
For centuries, the nation of Lastwall stood as a bulwark against the orcs of Belkzen and the lingering threat of the Whispering Tyrant. But when the Whispering Tyrant escaped his prison, he brought to his enemies in Lastwall a devastating apocalypse. (click to see full entry)


Veteran Reclaimer (Creature 11), Virtuous Defender (Creature 4)


Source Monster Core pg. 210 1.1
Kobolds are small reptilian humanoids. They lurk in dark spaces, usually tunnels and mines beneath the earth, in either warrens of their own design or complexes discovered and colonized after the original builders have moved on. Though kobolds are far more pragmatic than courageous, they use every inch of their cunning to even the playing field between themselves and other, stronger creatures. (click to see full entry)


Dark Talon Kobold (Creature 2), Kobold Cavern Mage (Creature 2), Kobold Scout (Creature 1), Kobold Tunnelrunner (Creature 0), Kobold Warrior (Creature -1)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 222
Every day, laborers perform backbreaking physical work.


Dockhand (Creature 0), Farmer (Creature 0), Gravedigger (Creature 1), Miner (Creature 0), Servant (Creature -1)


Source Monster Core pg. 216 1.1
Leshies are intelligent plant creatures who guard areas of primeval wilderness or earthly power. Originally created by powerful fey, they manifest when a skilled practitioner of primal magic—typically a druid— combines a nature spirit with a body carefully grown and crafted from local vegetation. The rites and materials required to create a leshy vary depending on the type of leshy. They are typically given life in an area of great natural significance, such as an arboreal's grove, a druidic circle, a fairy ring, or a great natural wonder.


Cactus Leshy (Creature 2), Flytrap Leshy (Creature 4), Fungus Leshy (Creature 2), Gourd Leshy (Creature 1), Leaf Leshy (Creature 0), Seaweed Leshy (Creature 3), Sunflower Leshy (Creature 1), Vine Leshy (Creature 0)


Source Monster Core pg. 226 1.1
Capable and adaptable predators, the reptilian beings known as lizardfolk are heirs to truly ancient civilizations. Their oral traditions cover thousands of years, and they revere the bones of their ancestors. Fossilized lizardfolk are even built into the walls of lizardfolk's stone and glass cities, to allow these predecessors to watch over their kin. (click to see full entry)


Lizardfolk Defender (Creature 1), Lizardfolk Scout (Creature 1), Lizardfolk Stargazer (Creature 2), Terwa Chosen (Creature 8), Terwa Prodigy (Creature 6), Terwa Star Reader (Creature 7)


Source Pathfinder #200: Seven Dooms for Sandpoint pg. 192
While smaller specimens of these unsettling-looking arachnids (known regionally by names like harvesters, tickle spiders, or daddy longlegs) are harmless, their larger cousins, known simply as longlegs, are anything but.


Giant Longlegs (Creature 3), Sicklefang Longlegs (Creature 6)

Magaambyan Adepts

Source Character Guide pg. 124 2.0
Golarion reeled from the disaster of Earthfall, and its peoples took long to recover. But recover they did, and one of the first institutions to rise from the ashes of near destruction was the Magaambya, an academy of arcane learning founded by the legendary wizard known as Old- Mage Jatembe. (click to see full entry)


Rain-Scribe (Creature 4), Tempest-Sun Mage (Creature 11)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 224
Magistrates are the cogs and gears that keep bureaucracy running, moving the machine along under the inertia of the status quo.


Harbormaster (Creature 3), Judge (Creature -1), Tax Collector (Creature -1), Warden (Creature 6)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 226
A broad category that includes those wielding arms, spells, or even guile and cunning, mercenaries hire themselves and their expertise to those with the gold to pay for it.


Bodyguard (Creature 1), Bounty Hunter (Creature 4), Mage for Hire (Creature 3), Monster Hunter (Creature 6)


Source Monster Core pg. 232 1.1
A minotaur is a large humanoid with bovine features such as horns, hooves, and a layer of hair that covers their entire body. Their head also resembles that of a bull or cow, though with eyes that brim with curiosity or fury, depending on the minotaur's temperament. Though often mistaken for aggressive brutes due to their size and reputation, many minotaurs are skilled artisans who spend much of their lives perfecting their craft. (click to see full entry)


Minotaur Hunter (Creature 4)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 228
Those initiated into the hidden truths and forbidden secrets of the world are forever transformed—or so they claim. To the cynical, a mystic is nothing more than a charlatan or zealot. (click to see full entry)


Adept (Creature -1), Cult Leader (Creature 7), Cultist (Creature 1), Demonologist (Creature 7), False Priest (Creature 4), Harrow Reader (Creature -1), Necromancer (Creature 5)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 232
Larger societies rely on those with the authority and the ability to interpret and enforce laws. In good-aligned societies, these officials carry out their duties fairly. (click to see full entry)


Archer Sentry (Creature 2), Barrister (Creature -1), Captain of the Guard (Creature 6), Executioner (Creature 6), Guard (Creature 1), Jailer (Creature 3), Watch Officer (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 258 1.1
Many orcs are forged in the fires of violence and conflict, often from the moment they're born. As they live lives that are frequently cut brutally short, orcs revel in testing their strength against worthy foes, whether by challenging a higher-ranking member of their community for dominance, taming a powerful beast, or slaying a fearsome monster. (click to see full entry)


Dromaar Mountaineer (Creature 2), Orc Brute (Creature 0), Orc Commander (Creature 2), Orc Scrapper (Creature 0), Orc Veteran (Creature 1), Orc Warchief (Creature 2), Orc Warrior (Creature 1)


Source Character Guide pg. 126 2.0
Many of the greatest explorers and adventurers of the modern age have recorded their discoveries in an ongoing series of chapbooks known as the Pathfinder Chronicles, published irregularly by the Pathfinder Society itself. This diverse group is devoted to exploring the world, supporting its agents in the field, and ensuring the discoveries they make are documented. (click to see full entry)


Pathfinder Field Agent (Creature 4), Pathfinder Venture-Captain (Creature 11)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 236
Performances can serve as entertainment, expressions of beauty, or part of a shared culture.


Acrobat (Creature 2), Beast Tamer (Creature 4), Dancer (Creature 1), Troubadour (Creature 3)

Planar Scion

Source Monster Core pg. 266 1.1
Many immortals dwell upon the other planes of the Great Beyond. Some are benevolent and kind, like angels. Others are cruel and destructive, like demons. And some fit roles outside of morality, like psychopomps. It's far from unheard of for mortals and immortals alike to become entangled romantically, and the children of such engagements carry a supernatural element in their bloodlines for generations to follow. (click to see full entry)


Aasimar Redeemer (Creature 5), Aphorite Sharpshooter (Creature 4), Duskwalker Ghost Hunter (Creature 4), Ganzi Martial Artist (Creature 3), Lawbringer Warpriest (Creature 5), Pitborn Adept (Creature 3), Tiefling Adept (Creature 3)




Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 238
Countless adventures begin in a tavern or a pub. Maybe it's because such places attract the risk-prone, or maybe it's because everyone needs a little liquid courage before they decide to take on a group of rampaging ogres.


Barkeep (Creature 1), Drunkard (Creature 2), Innkeeper (Creature 1), Server (Creature -1)


Source Monster Core pg. 289 1.1
True to their name, ratfolk are rodent-like humanoids well suited to living on the outskirts of mainstream society. Despite common misconceptions that they are dirty or diseased, ratfolk, or ysoki, as they call themselves, keep impeccably clean. Ratfolk are also sometimes mistaken for wererats and initially treated with fear until they can correct the mistaken identification—if they get the chance to do so. (click to see full entry)


Ratfolk Grenadier (Creature 4)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 240
True power comes from knowledge: the power to shape the growth of kingdoms by mere whispers, staying three steps ahead of adversaries, or even knowing which flora is best for creating untraceable poisons.


Astronomer (Creature 2), Librarian (Creature -1), Sage (Creature 6), Teacher (Creature -1)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 242
Adventurers may need passage on a swift vessel, or they might face danger from raiders at sea or in coastal settlements.


Bosun (Creature 3), Navigator (Creature 2), Pirate (Creature 2), Ship Captain (Creature 6)


Source Monster Core pg. 325 1.1
Tengu are an adaptable people originally from the continent of Tian Xia, but whose travels have taken them across all of Golarion. As a people in diaspora, tengu are almost always found within larger kingdoms and communities of other peoples, with the exception of their home nation of Kwanlai. (click to see full entry)


Tengu Sneak (Creature 2)

Threshold of Knowledge Pregenerated Characters

Source Threshold of Knowledge pg. 11
Pregenerated characters for the Threshold of Knowledge adventure.


Ekene (Creature 1), Kalaggi Nakutu (Creature 1), Muruwa (Creature 1), Ufi (Creature 1), Zane Ikundi (Creature 1)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 244
Every settlement needs tradespeople to create new products, facilitate commerce, and keep the infrastructure from crumbling. Larger cities often have entire guilds dedicated to the creation of specific goods, managing worker conditions, and working with local governments.


Apprentice (Creature -1), Guildmaster (Creature 8), Merchant (Creature -1), Smith (Creature 3)


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 246
Villains pursue selfish and cruel goals, trampling over anyone foolish or purehearted enough to stand in their way.


Antipaladin (Creature 5), Despot (Creature 5), Gang Leader (Creature 7), Mastermind (Creature 4), Reckless Scientist (Creature 6), Saboteur (Creature 2)


Source Pathfinder #200: Seven Dooms for Sandpoint pg. 192
Furry, tentacle-snouted, and prone to chittering, zoogs dwell in the shadowy parts of the world. (click to see full entry)


Zoog (Creature 1), Zoog Swarm (Creature 8)