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Chapter 6: Equipment / Carrying Items / Drawing and Stowing Items


Source Player Core pg. 268 2.0
You can use the Interact action (page 416) to:
  • Draw, put away, or swap an item. You must be holding the item to put it away or wearing it to draw it. Swapping allows you to put away one item and draw another in the same action (such as putting away a dagger and drawing a mace). Abilities that specify what you do when you Interact only allow this if they say so; the Quick Draw feat lets a rogue Interact to draw a weapon, but doesn't allow them to stow one as well. Swapping lets you swap only one item for another; if you were wielding two weapons, you could put away one of them and draw a different item, but you would need to put away the second weapon separately.
  • Pick up an item from the ground.
  • Pass off or take a held item from a willing creature. The creature you're passing to must have a hand free. You can also attempt to throw an item to someone. You typically need to succeed at a DC 15 ranged attack with a 10-foot range increment to do so.
  • Detach a shield or other item from you using one hand.
  • Change your grip by adding a hand to an item.
  • Retrieve a stowed item from a backpack, pouch, or similar container (or put one away). You'll often need to Interact to open or close the backpack or container.