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Once an orc god, Verex-That-Was has been reshaped into a towering creature of mangled flesh and bone.

Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 58
Unspecific Lore: DC 56
Specific Lore: DC 53

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Verex-That-WasCreature 24

Unique Gargantuan Aberration Mythic 
Source War of Immortals pg. 207
Perception +42; darkvision, truesight
Languages Aklo, Common, Orcish
Skills Athletics +45, Intimidation +45
Str +12, Dex +9, Con +11, Int +7, Wis +7, Cha +4
AC 51; Fort +42, Ref +38, Will +36; mythic resilience (all saves)
HP 550, regeneration 30 (deactivated by sloughstone weapons); Immunities acid, death effects, disease, mental, mythic immunity, poison; Resistances cold 25, fire 25, physical 20 (except sloughstone and holy); Weaknesses holy 20
Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 150 feet, DC 45Mythic Immunity Verex-That-Was is immune to harmful spells cast by non-mythic creatures, Strikes made with non-mythic weapons, and unarmed Strikes from non-mythic characters.Mythic Resilience Verex-That-Was treats his saving throws with the associated save as one step better than they actually are (so a critical failure is a failure, a failure is a success, and a success is a critical success).Symphony of Pain [reaction] Trigger A creature within Verex-That-Was's frightful presence damages Verex-That-Was; Effect Verex unleashes an echo of psychic pain throughout his vicinity, inflicting mental damage equal to half of the damage he sustained on all creatures, friend or foe, within 150 feet (DC 45 basic Fortitude save).
Speed 50 feet, burrow 30 feet
Melee [one-action] claw +44 [+39/+34] (magical, unholy, reach 15 feet), Damage 5d10+22 slashing plus bloodboilsMelee [one-action] jaws +44 [+39/+34] (magical, unholy, reach 10 feet), Damage 4d12+22 piercing plus bloodboils and Improved GrabMelee [one-action] tail +44 [+40/+36] (agile, magical, unholy, reach 20 feet), Damage 3d8+22 bludgeoning plus bloodboilsRanged [one-action] teeth +42 [+37/+32] (magical, unholy, range increment 60 feet), Damage 5d6+16 piercingBattlefield Eruption [three-actions] (mythic, teleportation) Cost 1 Mythic Point; Effect Verex-That-Was burrows into the ground, reemerging anywhere on the same plane where either he or his worshippers have previously killed at least 10 sapient creatures in battle. A fountain of gore and shattered bone erupts from the ground when Verex arrives, dealing 16d10 piercing damage in a 30-foot emanation (DC 48 basic Reflex save).Bloodboils (disease) Wounds caused by direct contact with Verex-That-Was erupt into painful, blood-filled boils. A creature struck by Verex-That-Was's jaws or tail must succeed at a DC 45 Fortitude or gain weakness 10 to physical damage for 1 day as the boils explode messily each time the creature sustains another wound. The bloodboils can be counteracted with a 3rd-rank (or higher) cleanse affliction spell, but the disease also ends if the victim receives magical healing that brings them to their Hit Point maximum.Leap into the Fray [three-actions] Verex-That-Was Leaps up to 20 feet horizontally and up to 10 feet vertically and then makes one claw Strike, one jaws Strike, and one tail Strike in any order. If Verex-That-Was spends 1 Mythic Point as part of this action, he doubles the distances he can Leap and each creature he lands adjacent to is off-guard until the end of his turn.Mythic Power 3 Mythic Points
  • Undying Myth [free-action] Cost all Verex's Mythic Points; Trigger Verex-That-Was would die and has at least 1 Mythic Point; Effect Verex remains standing and conscious, and recovers 50% of his maximum Hit Points.
Swallow Whole [one-action] Huge, 4d10+10 bludgeoning, Rupture 50War Cry of Destruction [two-actions] (sonic, unholy, void) Verex-That-Was unleashes a terrible howl in a 60-foot-cone, dealing 12d6 sonic damage and 12d6 void damage to all creatures (DC 45 basic Fortitude save). The damage bypasses up to 25 Hardness of materials other than sloughstone. Creatures in the area with the orc trait can use a reaction to roar in defiance of their corrupted god, granting themselves a +2 circumstance bonus on the saving throw but extending the area of the war cry to also include a 30-foot emanation centered on themself; orc creatures also automatically howl in their death throes if they are reduced to 0 Hit Points by this ability. This area can extend as long as orc creatures remain within the area and choose to roar, but creatures within multiple overlapping areas of effect must attempt only one save. Verex-That-Was cannot loose another War Cry of Destruction for 1d4 rounds.