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PFS LimitedSetup SnareItem 3

This Item may contain spoilers from the Sky King's Tomb Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Consumable Kobold Mechanical Snare Trap 
Source Pathfinder #193: Mantle of Gold pg. 85
PFS Note The DC of this item is 18

Price 8 gp
This snare is designed to divert a target's movement towards another snare or hazard. You may choose to have the target attempt a Will saving throw instead of a Reflex saving throw; if you do, add the fear and mental traits plus add either the visual or auditory trait.
When a Small or larger creature enters the square, the snare Pushes the creature 5 feet and the target becomes clumsy 1 until the end of their next turn. On a critical failure the snare Pushes the target 10 feet and the target becomes clumsy 2 until the end of their next turn.