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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS RestrictedYdersius

Source Monster Core pg. 302 1.1
The serpentfolk deity Ydersius was defeated by an Azlanti heroine named Savith in the era before Earthfall, and now the so-called Headless King’s body prowls aimlessly in the Darklands. Reduced to a feral, animalistic existence, Ydersius is unaware of his great legacy and former dominion. Ydersius’s symbol is a snake’s skull surrounded by a skeletal ouroboros.

Category Other Gods
Edicts seek to return Ydersius to life, fulfill your passions, conquer your foes with no mercy, achieve glory for serpentkind
Anathema put the needs of others above those of serpentfolk, aid the spawn of Azlant

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Dexterity or Charisma
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification must choose unholy
Divine Skill Deception
Favored Weapon dagger
Domains ambition, indulgence, might, zeal
Cleric Spells 1st: phantom pain, 5th: toxic cloud, 6th: mask of terror