Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Surki Details | Surki Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats | Surki Heritages

PFS StandardUnlimited Pluripotency Feat 17

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 51 2.1

Within all surkis is the capacity to be whatever they need to be, and you can tap into that capacity even now. When you sleep, you can choose to enter a pupa state. You sleep so deeply in your pupa that you can't be woken up by loud noises around you, and you lose the benefits of one of your surki heritages overnight. When you emerge and make your daily preparations, you can select a different surki heritage to replace it. If you had one or more evolutions for that heritage, you can choose a different evolution for your new heritage.



Surkis are a subterranean insectile ancestry that absorb ambient magic and evolve unique adaptations.