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Propaganda PromoterBackground

Legacy Content

Source Blood Lords Player's Guide pg. 13
The ghost king Geb has returned to a more active role in leading his nation after thousands of years, and it's shocking that some people in the nation haven't heard that. You helped the Celebrants plan parades, exciting displays like circuses, news missives, and more to help push messages of loyalty to the nation. Even though most Celebrants are followers of Urgathoa, deity of gluttony and undeath, you might follow a different faith (or no faith at all); more important is helping Celebrants spread their message. You started to see that propaganda was often timed to help the Celebrants, in addition to the nation as a whole, and you saw just how powerful the right message at the right time can be.

You are still well-regarded by the Celebrants. Your party gains 1 Reputation Point with the Celebrants at the start of the campaign.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost.

You're trained in your choice of either the Acrobatics or Performance skill, as well as the Urgathoa Lore skill. You gain a skill feat: Steady Balance if you chose Acrobatics or Impressive Performance if you chose Performance.