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Deity Categories

Gods of the Inner Sea

Source Gods & Magic pg. 11 2.0
The 20 primary deities of the Inner Sea region are well known due to either widespread worship or their historical tendency to help or harm the people who live there.


Abadar, Asmodeus, Calistria, Cayden Cailean, Desna, Erastil, Gorum, Gozreh, Iomedae, Irori, Lamashtu, Nethys, Norgorber, Pharasma, Rovagug, Sarenrae, Shelyn, Torag, Urgathoa, Zon-Kuthon

Other Gods

Source Gods & Magic pg. 11 2.0
These deities are not quite as widely worshiped as the 20 primary deities of the Inner Sea region, though they grant their worshippers just as much power and are just as important in their worshippers' lives.


Aakriti, Achaekek, Ahriman, Alseta, Apsu, Arazni, Besmara, Brigh, Casandalee, Chaldira, Conqueror Worm, Dahak, Erecura, Followers of Fate, Gendowyn, Ghlaunder, Green Man, Groetus, Gyronna, Hanspur, Jaidi, Kazutal, Kitumu, Kurgess, Lissala, Lorthact, Milani, Naderi, Nivi Rhombodazzle, Nocticula, Picoperi, Ravithra, Sivanah, Thamir, Thisamet, Vineshvakhi, Ydersius, Yelayne, Zyphus

Ancient Osirian Gods

Source Gods & Magic pg. 125 2.0
Note from Nethys: This category represents a group of deities. No official description was provided.


Anubis, Bastet, Bes, Hathor, Horus, Isis, Ma'at, Osiris, Ra, Sekhmet, Selket, Set, Sobek, Thoth, Wadjet


Source Gods & Magic pg. 75 2.0
Each archdevil holds uncontested rule over one of the first eight realms of Hell.


Baalzebul, Barbatos, Belial, Dispater, Geryon, Mammon, Mephistopheles, Moloch

Demon Lords

Source Gods & Magic pg. 77 2.0
The Outer Rifts of the Abyss consist of unending layers of evil and depravity, many of which are ruled over by powerful, unique fiends known as demon lords... (click to see full entry)


Abraxas, Baphomet, Cyth-V'sug, Dagon, Gogunta, Haagenti, Kabriri, Kostchtchie, Nurgal, Orcus, Pazuzu, Shax, Sifkesh, Treerazer, Zevgavizeb, Zura

Dwarven Gods

Source Gods & Magic pg. 93 2.0
The dwarven gods are one large family, with Torag as its patriarch... (click to see full entry)


Angradd, Bolka, Dranngvit, Droskar, Folgrit, Grundinnar, Kols, Magrim, Trudd


Source Gods & Magic pg. 79 2.0
When the gods abandoned the First World—their initial rough draft of creation shaped in distant prehistory— native beings of incredible power stepped in to fill the vacuum. These beings, called the Eldest, hold deific power over the First World but have little of the other gods' aspirations... (click to see full entry)


Count Ranalc, Imbrex, Magdh, Ng, Ragadahn, Shyka, The Green Mother, The Lantern King, The Lost Prince

Elemental Lords

Source Gods & Magic pg. 81 2.0
Born amid the primal chaos of the multiverse's earliest days, the eight elemental lords are divine embodiments of the Inner Spheres' raw elemental forces. With two lords of air, two of earth, two of fire, and two of water, half their number represent the aspects of each element that mortals consider benevolent, while the others represent the malicious and destructive aspects of those same elements... (click to see full entry)


Atreia, Ayrzul, Ferrumnestra, Hshurha, Kelizandri, Laudinmio, Lysianassa, Ranginori, Sairazul, Shumunue, Verilorn, Ymeri

Elven Gods

Source Gods & Magic pg. 94 2.0
The traditional deities of the elven pantheon are Calistria, Desna, Findeladlara (goddess of twilight and traditional art and architecture), Ketephys (god of hunting and the moon), and Yuelral (goddess of gems, craft, and magic). Elves have also adopted Alseta, a minor goddess of doors and transitions, as their patron of teleportation and aiudara (commonly known as elf gates)... (click to see full entry)


Findeladlara, Ketephys, Yuelral

Empyreal Lords

Source Gods & Magic pg. 83 2.0
Much as demon lords and archdevils are the preeminent incarnations of malice and sin, on the side of righteousness stand the empyreal lords—exceptional beings that represent the good in the myriad everyday actions of the multiverse... (click to see full entry)


Andoletta, Arqueros, Arshea, Ashava, Black Butterfly, Cernunnos, Dammerich, Eritrice, Falayna, Halcamora, Irez, Jaidz, Korada, Lymnieris, Marishi, Pulura, Ragathiel, Shei, Soralyon, Tanagaar, Vildeis, Winlas, Ylimancha, Zohls

Faiths & Philosophies

Source Core Rulebook pg. 440 4.0
Note from Nethys: This category represents a group of deities. No official description was provided.


Atheism, Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye, God Calling, Green Faith, Laws of Mortality, Prophecies of Kalistrade, Sangpotshi, Shoanti Animism, Whispering Way


Source Gods & Magic pg. 87 2.0
At the end of the River Styx await the rulers of Abaddon: the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and their daemonic brood. Hatred for living things fuels all of daemonkind, who see existence as a great mistake... (click to see full entry)


Apollyon, Charon, Szuriel, Trelmarixian

Monitor Demigods

Source Gods & Magic pg. 89 2.0
While fiends exploit mortals' baser natures and celestials encourage their better selves, monitors are concerned more with method than morality, from the rigid law of aeons and inevitables to the pragmatic neutrality of psychopomps, to the unpredictable chaos of proteans. Rather than immersing themselves in issues of philosophy, monitors take a more cosmic approach, battling each other over universal laws, the planes, and reality itself... (click to see full entry)


Barzahk, Imot, Kerkamoth, Monad, Mother Vulture, Narakaas, Narriseminek, Otolmens, Saloc, Valmallos, Ydajisk

Mwangi Gods

Source The Mwangi Expanse pg. 131 2.0
Natural barriers and vast distances have shaped the Expanse's religions as much as its people, creating a thousand variants comprised of familiar deities and regional faiths. For all the diversity in worship and artistic depiction, common themes unite the Mwangi approach to worship.<.. (click to see full entry)


Adanye, Angazhan, Balumbdar, Grandmother Spider, Kalekot, Lubaiko, Mazludeh, Uvuko, Walkena

Old Sun Gods

Source Legends pg. 100
Although once mostly forgotten, the Old Sun Gods have slowly been brought back to the people of Mzali thanks to Sihar and the Bright Lions. .. (click to see full entry)


Chohar, Dajermube, Luhar, Tlehar

Outer Gods and Great Old Ones

Source Gods & Magic pg. 91 2.0
The Outer Gods, along with the Great Old Ones with whom the Outer Gods are sometimes confused, are ancient, inscrutable, cosmic beings. The Great Old Ones are titanic monstrosities imprisoned since time immemorial beneath the sea, deep within the world, or on other planets, but the Outer Gods are even less comprehensible... (click to see full entry)


Azathoth, Hastur, Nhimbaloth, Nyarlathotep (Haunter in the Dark), Nyarlathotep (The Crawling Chaos), Xhamen-Dor, Yog-Sothoth


Source Gods & Magic pg. 93 2.0
A pantheon is a group of related gods worshipped either individually or together. Most pantheons are associated with a specific ancestry or geopolitical region, but rarely, a pantheon consists of deities with overlapping areas of concern. Followers work to advance the shared interests of their pantheon, directing prayers to whichever god presides over their current activity or circumstance... (click to see full entry)


Cosmic Caravan, Demon Bringers, Dwarven Pantheon, Elven Pantheon, Gravelady's Guard, Hearth and Harvest, Keepers of the Hearth, Pillars of Knowledge, Seafarer's Hope, Sky Keepers, Sorrow's Sword, The Deliberate Journey, The Divine Dare, The Endless Road, The Enlightened Scholar's Path, The Freeing Flame, The Godclaw, The Laborer's Bastion, The Last Breath, The Offering Plate, The Path of the Heavens, The Perplexing Jest, The Prismatic Ray, The Resplendent Court, Touch of the Sun, Urban Prosperity, Wards of the Pharaoh

Queens of the Night

Source Gods & Magic pg. 76 2.0
The Queens of the Night have won their own measure of power in Hell.


Ardad Lili, Doloras, Eiseth, Mahathallah

Sarkorian Gods

Source Gods & Magic pg. 133 2.0
Note from Nethys: This category represents a group of deities. No official description was provided.


Alglenweis, Stag Mother of the Forest of Stones, Sturovenen

Tian Gods

Source Gods & Magic pg. 133 2.0
Note from Nethys: This category represents a group of deities. No official description was provided.


Baekho, Daikitsu, Fumeiyoshi, General Susumu, Hei Feng, Jin Li, Kofusachi, Lady Jingxi, Lady Nanbyo, Lao Shu Po, Mugura and Nrithu, Nalinivati, Phi Deva, Qi Zhong, Shizuru, Srikalis, Sritaming, and Sribaril, Sun Wukong, The Lady of the North Star, Tsukiyo, Yaezhing, Yamatsumi

Vudrani Gods

Source Gods & Magic pg. 133 2.0
Note from Nethys: This category represents a group of deities. No official description was provided.


Arundhat, Ashukharma, Chamidu, Dhalavei, Diomazul, Gruhastha, Lahkgya, Likha, Matravash, Ragdya, Raumya, Suyuddha

Mammoth Lord Gods

Source Pathfinder #176: Lost Mammoth Valley pg. 61
Note from Nethys: This category represents a group of deities. No official description was provided.


Bergelmir, Fandarra, Immonhiel, Rowdrosh, Skode