Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Gnome Details | Gnome Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats | Gnome Heritages

PFS StandardBurrow Elocutionist Feat 1

Legacy Content

Source Core Rulebook pg. 44 4.0

You recognize the chittering of ground creatures as its own peculiar language. You can ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill with animals that have a burrow Speed, such as badgers, ground squirrels, moles, and prairie dogs. The GM determines which animals count for this ability.

Burrow Elocutionist Leads To...

Animal Elocutionist



A creature with this trait is a member of the gnome ancestry. Gnomes are small people skilled at magic who seek out new experiences and usually have low-light vision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by gnomes. A weapon with this trait is created and used by gnomes.